Monday, January 23, 2006

A losing battle?

I am a year round resident of the city of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin(Pop. about 9,000). Why am I doing this? Because the city is currently CONSIDERING allowing WALMART to build a supercenter. To make matters worse, most residents apparently have no clue what the company is REALLY like - and a number of them (mostly well to do types like realtors and such) are actually trying to help them gain approval!

If you've been reading the local paper(Door County Advocate), You've no doubt seen that Christie Weber has started a group to try and stop it. I AM NOT A PART OF IT. I am an individual, just trying to protect a number of good friends who work at places that will be forced to close should the supercenter be allowed.

I have been tracking Walmart's tactics since the late 90's, and with all the information I've seen I can tell you with absolute certainty that if it's built Pick N save, Econo Foods, Greisen's appliance, Dunham's sporting goods, Autozone, Bay Pharmacy, Butch's auto, Malvetz furniture, 2 convenience store's, and even Door County Hardware WILL be forced under within 1 year of the supercenter opening it's doors.

You see, Walmart is unique in the business world, NOT because of it's size, but because of it's tactics. #1 - They build within a community for the express purpose of taking over and driving out ALL competing stores, even if it means they lose huge amounts of money doing it. #2 - With the application by walmart to the FDIC and Federal Banking Commision, the plan is starting to show. FIRST, they branched into groceries. SECOND, they branched into gas and auto service. THIRD, they want to branch out and start their own bank.

See a pattern? They are attempting a MONOPOLY! They want to compete in every aspect of commerce, driving out all others until they are the only business left anywhere. All stores everywhere will be walmart. If you're from the younger generation, ask your parents or other older person about MA BELL.

Well, that should be enough for people to think on for now, I'l try to post pics of the stores in here sometime in the future.


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