A VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!
MAN, you should have seen it! 100+ people Marched 2 blocks down the main street towards city hall on both sides of the street! Once they arrived, they began marching around & around the block containing city hall, being led by a guy using a washtub as a drum, pounding in time with chanting such as "This is what democracy looks like", "Just say no!" and "What do we want - SMART GROWTH. When do we want it - NOW!"
Cars going past were honking horns and giving thumbsup signs in support! A camera crew arrived from WFRV channel 5, the local CBS affiliate from green bay, followed by one of their remote "live broadcast" vans(pictures from their footage below)!

Cars going past were honking horns and giving thumbsup signs in support! A camera crew arrived from WFRV channel 5, the local CBS affiliate from green bay, followed by one of their remote "live broadcast" vans(pictures from their footage below)!

The end result??? The city council voted 7-0 to reject walmart's request for anexation! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now there is a planning commision meeting tomorrow night at 7pm, where a big box size cap will be reviewed.
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