Saturday, January 28, 2006

Say WHAT? rofl!

In the past I've posted some stuff from a person known as "Musicat" at the door county forum. WELL...... He's his latest comment, and you're not going to believe it! OH, and you might want to sit down, so you don't hurt yourself when you start laughing. :D

PROVE you're not the Devil, and Are you still beating your wife?



PROVE you're not the Devil

If I were, why would I gives a rat's a** what happens to those local



Are you still beating your wife?

That attempt to provoke me fell flat on it's face. I suggest in the future you
do better research.
BTW, how is it you've kept your place when you've been
forclosed both by the bank AND for back taxes?

"He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a NUKE!" sums it up nicely. MY COMMENT, however, is right on target(I checked this guy out thuroughly).

And now without further delay, the identity of this idiot!

Laddie Chapman
4102 Glidden Drive
Sturgeon Bay, WI

If you feel like it, go ahead and write or email this bozo - let him know that the common men and women are the one's who REALLY hold the power. :D


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